Fjermestad, J. “Virtual Group Strategic Decision Making Using Structured Conflict and Consensus Approaches”, International Journal of E-Collaboration, Accepted, Peer review.


Fjermestad, J., “An Analysis of Communication mode in Group Support Systems,” Decision Support Systems, 37, 2 (2004), 239-263.


Scullin, S., Fjermestad, J., Romano, N.C., “E-Relationship Marketing: Changes in Traditional Marketing as an Outcome of Electronic Customer Relationship Management”, Logistics Information Management, Accepted, Peer review.


Cho, Y., Im, I., Hiltz, S.R., and Fjermestad, J., “The Effects of Post-Purchase Evaluation Factors on Online vs. Offline Customer Complaining Behavior: Implications for Customer Loyalty,” Advances in Consumer Research, 29, (2002), 318- 326. Peer review.


Fjermestad, J. and Romano, N.C., “Electronic Customer Relationship Management Revisiting the General Theories of Usability and Resistance: An Integrative Implementation Framework,” Business Process Management Journal, 9, 5, (2003), 572-591. Peer review.


Cho, Y., Im, I., Fjermestad, J., and Hiltz, S.R., “The Impact of Product Category on Customer Dissatisfaction in Cyberspace,” Business Process Management Journal, 9, 5 (2003), 635-651. Peer review.


Romano, N.C. Jr. and Fjermestad, J., “Electronic Commerce Customer Relationship Management: A Research Agenda,” Information Technology and Management, 4, 2003, 233-258. Peer review.


Romano, N.C. Jr. and Fjermestad, J., "Customer Relationship Management Research: An Assessment of Research," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6, 2, 2001-2002, 59-111. Peer review.


Fjermestad, J., and Hiltz, S.R., “Group Support Systems: A Descriptive Evaluation of Case and Field Studies.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 17, 3, 2000-2001, 115-161.  Peer review. Nominated for best paper HICSS 1998.


Allen, E., and Fjermestad, J. “E-commerce Marketing Strategies: an Integrated Framework and Case Analysis,” Logistics Information Management, 14, 1/2, 2001, 14-23. Peer Review.  E. Allen was an MS in Management student. Outstanding Paper Award 2002.


Turoff, M., Hiltz, S.R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., and Rana, A. "Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications," Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 4, 4 (June) 1999. Peer review.


Fjermestad, J., "An Integrated Framework for Group Support Systems," Journal

of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 8, 2, 1998, 83-107.  Peer Review.


Fjermestad, J., and Hiltz, S.R., "An Assessment of Group Support Systems Experimental Research: Methodology and Results," Journal of Management Information Systems, 15, 3, 1999-2000, 7-149. Peer Review.


Ocker, R., Fjermestad, J., Hiltz, S.R., and Johnson, K., "Effects of Four Modes of Group Communication on the Outcomes of Software Requirements Determination," Journal of Management Information Systems, 15 (1), 1998, 99-118. Peer Review.


Coll, J.H., Fjermestad, J., and Coll, R., "An Eight Experiment Sequence to Determine Reading Equality," Information & Management, 34, 1998, 231-242. Peer Review.


Christensen, E.W., and Fjermestad, J., "Challenging Group Support Systems Research: The Case for Strategic Decision Making," Group Decision and Negotiation, 6 (4), 1997, 351-372. Peer Review. 


Ocker, R., Hiltz, S.R., Turoff, M., and Fjermestad, J., "The Effects of Distributed Group Support and Process Structuring on Software Requirements Development Teams: Results on Creativity and Quality," Journal of Management Information Systems, 12 (3), 1995-1996, 127-153. Peer Review.


Fjermestad, J. and Chakrabarti, A., "Survey of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Literature: A Framework of Strategy, Implementation and Innovation," Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 5(3), 1993, 251-271. Peer Review.