Review of calculations involving thermodynamics:

Δ H, Δ G, Keq


Δ Hreaction  =  ΔHo productsΔHo reactants


From tabulated data for  Δ Hfo   

(std heat of formation of the compounds)


Δ Hreaction  =  Σ n ΔHfo products – Σ n ΔHfo reactants


Free energy: Δ G


Δ Greaction  =  Σ n ΔGfo products – Σ n ΔGfo reactants

so equilibrium constants can be calculated from tabulated ΔGfo  values


ΔGo = -RT ln Keq  



Entropy, S
So  =  n So prod - n Soreactants


To find ΔGo at other than standard temperature.


ΔGo = ΔHo – T ΔS
Some indication of what the magnitudes of K mean:





+200 kJ/mol

9.1 x10-36

No reaction


1.7 x10-9

Some reaction


6.7 x10-2

Calculation of concs is necessary


5.6 x101


5.8 x108

Little reactant left


1.1 x1035

Reaction goes to completion






N2 + O2 → 2NO


Keq =


[ NO ]2

[ N2 ] [ O2 ]



Equilibrium constants for gases can also be expressed in terms of partial pressures.



Kp =


p NO2

p N2 p O2


Kinetic Calculations


Rates of reactions – not related to equilibrium position.



Rate law

Rate equation

Half life


Rate = k

[A]t = -kt + [A]o

[A]o / 2k


Rate = k [A]

ln [A]t = -kt + ln [A]o

0.693 / k


Rate = k [A]2

1/ [A]t = kt + 1/[A]o

1/ k [A]o





Photochemical Reactions


Absorption:  XY  + → XY*  giving an activated species which may then go on to react with other molecules


Decomposition: XY  + → X + Y


Rates of photochemical reactions depend on the radiation, rather than chemical concentrations.  Rate constants are designated  f.


f  =  Jλ σλ φλ


where the integral is over the wavelengths of the radiation (from λ1 to λ2)


q       J is the radiative flux

q       σλ is the absorption cross section of the molecules –the ability to absorb radiation of the various wavelengths

q       φλ is the quantum yield (proportion of  molecules which absorb actually react).


Other ways excited molecules can be deactivated


q       XY* + M → XY + M + kinetic energy

q       XY* + AB → XY + AB*


Also possible to have quantum efficiency > 1—when an activated molecule sets off a chain reaction.



Gas Calculations


Concentration units


ppmV differs from ppmm  so best to use more descriptive terms, eg  mg/kg, mixing ratio also called mole fraction



All gases contain same number of moles when at same temp and pressure (at least when they are acting as ideal gases)



So can use partial pressure as a substitution for moles/liter concentration for gases


Ideal gas law: PV = nRT


P = Pressure in atmospheres

V = Volume in liters

n = number of moles

R = gas constant 0.082 L atm/mol K

T = Temperature in Kelvin degrees