HRM 303 Human Resource Management
Dr. Naomi Rotter
Session 9: Staffing and Selection, Part I


1. To understand the relationship between staffing and strategy
2. To distinguish between reliability and validity and understand their importance in the selection process
3. To become familiar with employee selection through use of background information and ability testing.
4. To recognize advantages and disadvantages in using background information and ability testing for selection.

I. Importance of staffing to the organization

II. Consideration in choosing selection techniques

    A. Predictor issues

1. Reliability

A. Defining reliability

B. Estimating reliability

1. Test-re-test reliability estimate

2. Parallel or equivalent forms

3. Internal consistency reliability estimates

C. Interpreting reliability co-efficients

2. Validity

A. Defining validity

B. Estimating validity

1. Criterion related validity

2. Content related validity

3. Construct validity

    B. Types of applicant information

1. Skills, knowledge, abilities

2. Personality, interests, preferences

3. Other characteristics

III. Selection techniques

    A. Tests and simulations

1. Application blanks and biographical information blanks

2.Reference checks

3. Cognitive ability tests

4. Special Ability tests

5. Physical ability tests