School of Management

HRM 301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. N. Rotter

Session 1: Why, what, and how we study behavior in organizations

George & Jones: Chap 1 and Appendix (pp. 637-645)

I. Course Goals-- Why we study behavior in organizations

A. Building of analytical and diagnostic skills for application of theories to organizational problems

B. Appreciation for the dynamic nature of organizations in a ever-changing business environment

II. Course Overview -- What we study in organizational behavior

A. Foundations of organizational behavior

B. Individual influences on behavior in organizations -- Psychological Influences

1. The role of perception

2. The role of learning

3. The role of motivation

4. The role of individual differences: personality & attitudes

C. Group influences on behavior in organizations -- Social Psychological & Sociological Influences

1. The role of group processes

2. Intergroup and intragroup conflict and stress

3. Communication and group decision

4. Leadership

D. Organizational influences on behavior -- Sociological & Anthropological Influences

1. Structure and function in organizations

2. Organizational culture

3. Organizational development and change

4. Organizations in the future

III. Historical Perspective and Research Methods -- How we study behavior

A. Key influences

1. Industrial engineers and the organization

2. Hawthorne studies

3. International competition

B. Research Methods

1. Research designs

a. correlational and survey designs

b. experimental designs

c. case studies and focus groups

2. Evaluating research

a. internal validity

b. external validity