School of Management

HRM 301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. N. Rotter

Session 11: Applications in the organization

Job design, goal setting, and pay

George & Jones: Chap 7 & 8 (pp. 230-237)


After today's session, you should be able to:

1.Explain the job characteristics model and how through job redesign it can enhance worker motivation.

2. Describe considerations in effective job design for teams

3. Describe what kinds of goals lead to high performance and why performance is enhanced.

4. Describe how pay can be used effectively to motivate performance and why it often does not.

I. Job design as a motivation strategy

A. Designing jobs for individuals -- The job characteristics model

1. Critical psychological states

2. Core job dimensions

3. Personal and work outcomes

4. Implementing concepts

B. Designing jobs for teams

1. Characteristics

2. Key required behaviors

3. Outcomes

4. Role of manager is difficult

II. Goal Setting

A. Goals that motivate

B. Why goals motivate

C. Is participation necessary

D. Limitations

III. Money as a Motivator

A. Linking pay to performance for individuals

1. Executive incentives

2. Incentives for lower level employees

B. Linking pay to performance for groups

1. Team incentives

2. Profit sharing

3. Gain sharing

4. Stock options

C. Why pay often has not motivating capacity

D. Effective reward systems