School of Management

HRM 301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. N. Rotter

Session 12: Group processes in the Organization, Part I

Types, functions, and cohesiveness

George & Jones: Chap 10


After today's session, you should be able to:

1.Describe the types of groups and characteristics operating in organizations.

2. Explain the functions of groups in organizations.

3. Explain how cohesiveness affects group functioning.

4. Describe conditions that lead to cohesiveness.

I. Basic attributes of groups

A. What is a group?

B. Types of groups

C. Characteristics of groups

II. Attraction to groups

A. Social and emotional needs

B. Instrumental function of groups

III. Cohesiveness

A. Commitment and attraction

B. Causes of cohesiveness

C. Outcomes of cohesiveness

D. Turning a group around