School of Management

HRM 301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. N. Rotter

Session 14: Group processes in the organization, Part III

Group influence and teamwork


After today's session, you should be able to:

1. Explain group effectiveness in terms of process gains and losses

2. Explain how individual performance is affected by the presence of others (social facilitation, social loafing)

3. Distinguish between conformity due to compliance and conformity due to identification and internalization.

4. Describe the factors that influence conformity

5. Describe factors that contribute to high performance teams.

I. Group Effectiveness

A. A model of group performance

B. Process gains

C. Process losses

II. Group Influence over the Individual

A. Social facilitation

1. Drive theory

2. Evaluation apprehension

B. Social loafing

C. Conformity

1. Conformity and compliance

2. Identification as a basis for conformity

3. Internalization as a basis for conformity

4. Factors that influence conformity

III. High Performance Teams