HRM301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. Naomi Rotter

Session 26: Managing a Global Organization

George & Jones, Chapter 17


After today's session, you should be able to:

1. Describe the effect of globalization of the economy on the operations of organizations

2. Explain how cultural differences may explain variations in organizational behavior

3. Describe Hofstede's dimensions of culture.

4. Describe how globalization effects the process of manufacturing.

5. Discuss the impact of globalization on managing people.

I. Globalization of the economy and the organization

A. The global economy

1. International trade

2. Multinational organizations

3. Economic interdependence

B. Cultural divergence and convergence

1. Culture shock

2. Cultural convergence

II. Hofstede's dimensions of culture

A. Individualism vs collectivism

B. Power distance

C. Uncertainty avoidance

D. Achieving vs nurturing organizations

III. Manufacturing and globalization

A. Raw materials

B. Manufacturing and assembly

C. Distribution

IV. Strategy, structure, and globalization

A. International

B. Multi-domestic

C. Transnational

V. Organizational behavior

A. Individual processes

1. Perception and attitudes

2. Learning and motivation

B. Group processes

1. Leadership

2. Communication

VI. Summing up

A. Globalization and management

B. A synopsis of organizational behavior

C. Continuing issues

1. Importance of learning and knowledge

2. Impact of technology

3. Managing the remote work force