School of Management
HRM 301 Organizational Behavior Dr. N. Rotter
 Session 3 : Perceptual processes in the organization, part II
 Social perception 1: Building impressions from elements


  • After today’s session you should be able to:
  • Explain how we select and use information about people to build our perceptions of them
  • Explain how the situation a person is in effects how we select and interpret information in building perceptions.
  • Describe how we systematically develop impressions of people by using information to make attributions about their traits and motives.
  • Describe how attributional  biases result from out perceptual processes.

    I. The elements of social perception

    A. The person and non-verbal cues
    B. The situation

    II. Attribution— from elements to impressions

    A.  How causal attribution works
    B. Attribution biases
    1. fundamental attribution error
    2. Actor-observer error