School of Management

HRM 301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. N. Rotter

Session 5: Individual differences and personality

George & Jones: Chap. 2


After today's session, you should be able to:

1. Define personality and comment on how stable it is.

2. Identify the "big five dimensions and explain how they are related to organizational behavior.

3. Describe the traits of self-monitoring and locus of control.

4. Describe major cognitive and physical abilities and how they relate to job performance.

5. Distinguish between test reliability and validity.

I. Individual performance factors

A. Individual attributes: Ability and Personality

B. Effort

C. Organizational support

II. Personality

A. A social learning approach

B. The person-situation debate

C. Personality traits

1. The big 5

2. Locus of control

3. Self-monitoring

III. Ability

A. Cognitive ability

B. Physical ability

IV. Measuring personality and ability

A. Reliability and validity

B. Objective and projective test