School of Management

HRM 301 Organizational Behavior

Dr. N. Rotter

Session 6: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

George & Jones: Chap. 3


After today's session, you should be able to:

1. Define attitude and understand the basic components of attitudes

2. Identify common sources of attitudes

3. Explain the link between attitudes and behavior

4. Compare major causes and consequences of job satisfaction

5. Explain major causes and consequences of organizational commitment

I. Attitudes

A. What is an attitude?

B. Attitudinal components

1. Beliefs

2. Feelings

3. Behavioral intentions

C. Measuring attitudes

1. Direct assessment

2. Indirect assessment

D. Developing an attitude

1. Information

2. Learning

3. Modeling

E. Predicting from attitudes

1. Thought-feeling consistency

2. Subjective norms

3. Direct experience

4. Attitude accessibility

II. The case of job satisfaction

A. Consequence of job satisfaction

B. Influences of job satisfaction

III. The case of organizational commitment

A. what is organizational commitment?

B. Influences and consequences of organizational commitment